My Story
You could say I was born into photography
The second I was born, my mom being the photojournalist she is, took a picture of me as I entered the world and it landed as a story in The State newspaper. I was also told that the first thing I held on to as a baby was a plush camera, go figure. Little did we know then that I’d have an affinity for the camera and choose to work with it for the rest of my life.
I see the world through pictures
When I was 14, I spent a good portion of my days asking my mom to take an “artsy” picture of me for Instagram because I had this idea that I wanted to be brought to life. This got tiring for the both of us and soon after I had an epiphany. What if I was the one taking the pictures instead?
Thus, Callie G Photography was born
I started building my portfolio by taking pictures of my friends for free. RIM Photography then hired me as a second shooter and I got fully immersed into the wedding business. Eventually, I made a name for myself and had people asking me to take pictures of them instead of vice versa! I went to college, made a living through taking grad portraits and graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts for Visual Communications (photography, videography, social media etc.)!
Now here I am! 50+ weddings under my belt and over 200 graduation galleries sent out: I am blessed to share so much experience while still in my twenties with y’all!
Hey friends I’m Callie Grace Dunlap! New last name! I just married the love of my life David on May 12, 2024 and couldn’t be happier!
I am a photographer located in South Carolina and I shoot just about anything: Weddings, Engagements, Portraits, Modeling, Sports, Headshots, Events… I love it all.
One of my favorite feelings in the world is taking a picture and knowing I got THE PICTURE. I fall in love with photos everyday and my goal is to make you fall in love too. I believe in making memories and freezing moments. There’s beauty in that perfect portrait where the lighting hits just right, and there’s beauty in capturing that candid of humans in love laughing with one another.
my wedding day captured beautifully by Laura Talley!
Owner of Callie G Photography, Callie Grace D.
More about me:
Married my best friend in 2024!
coffee and Jesus lover
type 4w3 on the enneagram
I’m a Young Life Leader!
Alpha Delta Pi alumn
the mountains are my happy place
Sunday is my favorite day of the week
I love dancing/shagging
receiving flowers makes my heart happy, and so do handwritten letters
lover of bright colors